Monday 31 December 2012

Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan

Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS) is a national park dedicated to protecting tropical rainforests of Sumatra island along with its natural wealth. UNESCO made ??the TNBBS as a World Heritage. TNBB was  declared as a Wildlife Sanctuary in 1935 and became a National Park in 1982. At first the size of the area is ??356 800 hectares. But the area of ??the park is currently calculated using GIS for approximately 324,000 hectares.

TNBBS located at the southwestern region of Sumatra. Seventy percent of the park (249 552 hectares) are included in the administrative district of West Lampung and Tanggamus region, both of which are part of Lampung Province. Other parts of the park covers 74 822 hectares (23% of the overall area of ??the park) and were in Kaur region of the Bengkulu province.

TNBBS have some lowland forests in Sumatra that lastest time protected. Very rich in terms of biodiversity and is home to three species most endangered large mammals in the world: Sumatran elephant (less than 2,000 head of which survive today), Sumatran rhinoceros (entire global population: 300 individuals and drastically diminishing) and the Sumatran tiger (the entire global population of around 400).

Beside that the natural resources potential both of flora and fauna that were very diverse kinds, TNBBS also have another property that is not less interesting, like, the wealthy in the form of symptoms uniqueness and natural beauty. Combined all the wealth that make this national park has the high enough tourism potential. the Places should be pointed and visited,are:


In this place there is a flare tower (lighthouse), where from it can be enjoyed the sea or the amazing beach. Reef, the sand which stretches along beach and the waves coming in and breaking on the shore is a sight that has a distinct impression.

Menjukut lake (Dananu Menjukut)
Lake, in addition, as a place for aquatic animals living such as fish and others, it is also the habitat of several species of water birds, wildlife drinking and human activity places.
Likewise Menjukut lake. There can be several types of waterfalls birds, especially grouse .
In addition, it can be found also some large animals, such as wild buffalo, elk and deer. Visitors can also enjoy water sports activities, such as boating, swimming / bathing in the lake. For those who enjoyed the observation of flora and fauna, this area should not be missed.

In the area around Sukaraja (which has a height of 546 m above sea level), could be visited some waterfalls. Moreover, by the cottage scene there, can be enjoyed the panoramic views of the Semangka Gulf that lies beneath. As with views towards the sea.
At Sukaraja also provided facilities for the visitors who want to spend the night in tents, which camping grounds 2 ha, which is also equipped with a shelter and toilets. Sukaraja can be reached from Kota Agung by road, with 4 hours trip to the west.

Ranau Lake (Danau Ranau)
Ranau Lake is a beautiful lake and a pollution-free. This lake is the largest lake in Sumatra after Toba lake.
Ranau Lake is located on the northwest edge of TNBBS and in the Bukit Barisan  range mountains. becouse of it, Ranau lake has clean water and the air is cool.
In this lake visitors can sail, canoe and enjoy the magnificent views of the Bukit Barisan Mountains.