Saturday 20 July 2013

The Original Tastefull Lampungnese Sauce..... "TEMPOYAK!!!!!!"

This post may be a little different from our theme, strolling, but this is one of the results of our trip. Tempoyak, it is one of  South Sumatran society typical foods but  dominated by Lampung people.

Tempoyak is a dish that originated from the fermented of durian fruit. Tempoyak is a food which is usually consumed as a side dish. Tempoyak can also be eaten directly (this is rarely done, because many are not resistant to the acidity and smellity  of Tempoyak itself). In addition,Tempoyak is used as a spice in cooking.

Taste of Tempoyak was surly, because the fermentation process in the durian flesh as the materials. Tempoyak known in Indonesia (especially in Palembang, Lampung and Kalimantan) and Malaysia. In Palembang, this food is eaten with chicken. In Lampung, Tempoyak is used as seruit ingredients in a dish or mixture in the sauce.

Durian as the main material Tempoyak containing 67 grams of water, 28.3 grams carbohydrates, 2.5 grams fat, 2.5 grams of protein, and 1.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams. In addition, durian also contains vitamins B1, B2, and C, as well as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. Tempoyak itself had higher levels of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are high. Lactic acid bacteria are bacteria used to ferment and cause a sour taste in Tempoyak.

Tempoyak dough is made by preparing meat durian, either local or monthong, but for monthong is not priority because it contains gas and water overmuch. Selected durian for tempoyank is labored ripely, which is usually watery look. Then the durian flesh separated from the seeds, after that put a bit of salt. Once completed, then added with cayenne pepper can speed up the fermentation process. However, the fermentation process can not be too long because it will affect the final taste.

Besides eaten with rice, Tempoyak often made ​​sauce or mixed with fish, such as Pindang Patin Tempoyak, Pepes Ikan Mas, or cooked with anchovy or tilapia fish. Acid flavor is perfect with savory flavors and spicy chili fish. If you do not believe, prove it! Be prepared if hooked by it delish!

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